Surveys - Safe Fruits and Veggies


What Do Consumers Think?

New Research Measures Efforts to Reassure Consumers About Produce Safety

The Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF) completed a comprehensive consumer research project in Spring 2022 to determine changes in the levels of concern among consumers about safety issues specific to produce. This research was conducted to help improve overall information-sharing that will reassure consumers about produce safety. With only one in 10 of us eating enough of these nutrient-dense foods every day, it is important to understand consumer concerns as well as what science-based safety information helps them make the right shopping choices for themselves and their families.

The survey showed that farmers are the most trusted source to protect the safety of produce. However, government and dietitians also remain credible information resources. Almost 80% of those surveyed stated they were confident that government regulations and food safety efforts were working well to protect public health.

Overall levels of concern about produce safety have declined by 20% over 2016 survey levels, which was the last time the AFF conducted a similar research project. Concerns specific to pesticide residues have also decreased by 10%. These positive changes are likely the result of increased outreach, information sharing and transparency regarding produce safety as well as consumers being focused on the pandemic and other dominating issues since the survey was last conducted in 2016.

While certain groups continue their efforts to disparage non-organic produce, the AFF research shows those outreach tactics are losing credibility. The survey measured the effectiveness of AFF information against inaccurate safety claims carried by the annual release of the “dirty dozen” list, which is among the worst and oldest examples of produce safety disparagement. By a 2-to-1 margin, survey respondents agreed that the information shared by the AFF came closer to their view.

Research Conclusions:

  • While declining produce safety concerns from 2016 survey levels shows progress, efforts to provide consistent, science-based information to counter disinformation campaigns must continue to further alleviate unfounded safety fears about the more affordable and accessible forms of produce.
  • Continued sharing of regulatory protections and government produce safety data among key audiences is supported by the survey results.
  • Efforts to connect farmers to consumers and other key audiences to share information about their practices and care and commitment to grow healthy foods should remain an important component of outreach strategies.
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Get More Information about what science-based information helps consumers when making purchasing decisions and reassures them about the safety of produce.

An in-depth look at the 2022 consumer research results

We are the Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF), a non-profit organization formed in 1989 which represents organic and conventional farmers of fruits and vegetables.

The information presented on this website was developed in conjunction with experts in the fields of toxicology, risk analysis, nutrition, health and farming.

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